One of my friends told me that her dutch colleague asked her if I am a dutch because "boer" stands for "farmer" in dutch, and lots of dutch ppl have last name as boer. Wow, I wish so. This reminds me of one famous poet and his poetry "采菊东篱下,悠然见南山." What a luxury dream!
It's been several months not to write anything serious here. Writing in English is still challenging for me although sometimes I had an urge to say. What a pity!
It reminds me when we stayed at Pearl and Jack's house, we enjoyed fruits and vegis from their back yard every day. Being a programmer for several years, jack quits his job and stays home to grow trees. Being a farmer today, priceless!
I know, I couldn't enjoy life like him right now, back to the real world, I desperately need a job. :(
You will get one, sooner or later, don't worry:) You are good, all you need is a good package. People still judge a book by its cover, right?
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