Tuesday, May 16, 2006

bad memory

The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.--Friedrich Nietzsche

Reading this from Google, I think of Jack who said her memeory sucks once. Now I'm wondering whether it is the reason to be positive and happy too.

The worse thing for myself is, I remember those that should be forgotten, and forget those that should be remembered. Don't blame me, please. I would blame those biologists who couldn't help the person like me, or I should blame the one who claimed to create the world?

Oh well, I'm just watering.


Anonymous said...

不在犯罪现场学说: 一种逃避责任,把一切归咎于照自己的样子创造了人类的造物主的企图

Anonymous said...


Jack Sparrow said...

Isn't that the problem of everyone's memory, that something stays but we can't dedice what stays?

Also true for body fat. When you deposit, it always goes to the belly. When you withdraw, it takes from everywhere except the belly!