Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The End of the Destination Web and the Revival of the Information Economy

Read at:

Strongly recommend this article. Need re-read! :)

"People now received news and important information based on who they connected to, what captivated their attention, and in turn what they invested back into the community." This might be the reason that Facebook and Twitter are widely integrated into our daily life. Sharing is the something users feel part of control of the information.

Too Much to Do? Take on More

I came across this article talking about how to deal with stress. The author suggested us offer the help for whoever complaining about stress even we ourselves are run out of time too. It sounds mission impossible at the beginning but I think it's actually working.

The sentence hitting me is: "We complain because we feel alone and disconnected in our stress." This is absolutely true.

The author also illustrated why his suggestion is working with his own example. Following that, several recommendations on how should we do have been given:
  1. Listen without contributing or competing
  2. Acknowledge the challenge the other people are facing
  3. Offer to help in a specific way
Believe or not, it's a good suggestion. Read the article here.

This semester, I started a new full-time job and also teaching one online course on my own. It's very stressful and I now and then lost my temper. Very luckily, my hubby offered a great help to share some housework so I could have some time to accomplish all the responsibilities timely wide.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Now, everyone knows the picture of Obama and his team watching operation. If you still hasn't seen it, click here to view.  

One comment is so off-topic but quite funny. "Anyone else think they should’ve gotten a bigger meeting room?" 

Man, this guy haven't heard about the budget cutting, I guess.  

By the way, Gizmodo is hilarious. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

iPad Light Painting

The other day, we taught my son about the shapes. Surprisingly, we found out there are so many rectangles in our daily life. Then I came across this YouTube video:

The author's words: This film explores playful uses for the increasingly ubiquitous 'glowing rectangles' that inhabit the world.

We use photographic and animation techniques that were developed to draw moving 3-dimensional typography and objects with an iPad. In dark environments, we play movies on the surface of the iPad that extrude 3-d light forms as they move through the exposure. Multiple exposures with slightly different movies make up the stop-frame animation.

We've collected some of the best images from the project and made a book of them you can buy:​mfmbook

Read more at the Dentsu London blog:​blog/​2010/​09/​14/​light-painting/​
and at the BERG blog:​blog/​2010/​09/​14/​magic-ipad-light-painting/


I believe it could be done with other objects that not necessary to be iPad. But I like when the new product comes up, people are inspired with all kinds of ideas.

This is awesome!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hotmail Sweep

I just found out this feature in Hotmail and it's really useful. My Hotmail account has so many junk mails that I have been thinking of cleaning up but didn't get time to go back the old mails. This seems a very good feature if it works well. I'm still testing on it.

I wish Google will make improvment on this soon.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Restore the Outlook email back to the server

One of faculty asked about that her email has disppeared from web once she imported the account to Outlook last friday. During the weekend, I did some search online and find the possible solutions here:
First time try Adobe Contributer and still testing it. But it seems a good tool for me to write the blog from work. I ususally have some idea to write but once I waited till end of the day to open the blog, everything is gone. This could be a good way to jot down my thoughts and polish it later.