Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Too Much to Do? Take on More

I came across this article talking about how to deal with stress. The author suggested us offer the help for whoever complaining about stress even we ourselves are run out of time too. It sounds mission impossible at the beginning but I think it's actually working.

The sentence hitting me is: "We complain because we feel alone and disconnected in our stress." This is absolutely true.

The author also illustrated why his suggestion is working with his own example. Following that, several recommendations on how should we do have been given:
  1. Listen without contributing or competing
  2. Acknowledge the challenge the other people are facing
  3. Offer to help in a specific way
Believe or not, it's a good suggestion. Read the article here.

This semester, I started a new full-time job and also teaching one online course on my own. It's very stressful and I now and then lost my temper. Very luckily, my hubby offered a great help to share some housework so I could have some time to accomplish all the responsibilities timely wide.

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