Friday, December 30, 2005

two ladies

sitting next to the window, coffee in the hand, I'm day dreaming again. It has been for a while to see people coming and leaving like this. I heard a lady said "are u ready for the new year? I'm ready, and ready for my 80 years old birthday tomorrow." She's loud but not annoying at all. People are laughing with her and said "congratulation!" I turned around and looked at her, to my surprised, she doesn't look like that age and is very beautiful with red hair.


on the other side of the table, there's a lady with white hair reading the book, a pencil in her hand. I moved my stuff so it would not block her. She nodded to me and went back to her book. After a while, she looked outside and meditated something from reading. Then I realized she's dozing off, quiet and elegant.


it's hard to see the people around my age, and even harder to see the people like me taking a walk all the way down to the cafe in this little town, with the computer case hanging on the shoulder and books holding in the hands. After living in the college town so long, I forgot what a big world is out there. People lives in the different life.

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