Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Winter is here


It's snowing today. Outside is quite pretty with flakes dancing all around. Winter is coming eariler than ever, and colder than ever.


wisdom said...

Like the picture, do you have more?

Anonymous said...

thanks. Actually it was cropped from another one. But pretty enough, isn't it?

I have two more in the msn space, which u must have seen.

I need help with the name of it, could you think about one for me? heihei.

wisdom said...

i used to read a book, it is translated into chinese called "生命中不可承受之輕". Do you know the English title? Something like, too light to bear of it, in this case, the snow is light, but the leaf cannot bear of it.
Any help?

wisdom said...

Okay, found it, it is called "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera. But don't ask me what is it about, it was a hundred years ago!

Anonymous said...

Mars, thanks for encouraging me all the time. :P I"m brat.

wisdom: I knew that book and was planning to read it again sometime this winter. thanks. I might use the name as "The Bearable Lightness of Being" since it still holds. How's that?